Dual Language Spanish Immersion
Spanish Immersion Program
Biltmore Prep is the only K-8 Spanish Immersion School in Central Phoenix. Students promote from 8th grade with:
Spanish Language Achievement Award (High School Credit) Biliteracy Award of Distinction (Path to the Seal of Biliteracy)Path towards becoming an A+ School of Excellence
“One Language Sets You in a Corridor for Life. Two Languages Open Every Door Along the Way.” ~Frank Smith
Spanish Dual Language Model
50/50 Model
Instruction is delivered in one language at a time. Math, Science & Spanish Language Arts in Spanish and English Language Arts & Social Studies in English.
30/70 Model
Instruction delivered in one language at a time. Social Studies, & Spanish Language Arts in Spanish and Math, English Language Arts, and Science in English
Spanish Immersion Program Goals
- Accelerated growth in all subject areas
- High levels of English & Spanish proficiency
- An appreciation, understanding and positive attitude toward other cultures
- A healthy self-esteem regarding learning another language
Proven Benefits of a Bilingual Brain
- Reach a high level of proficiency in a new language at no cost to their English language development
- Improved performance on tasks that call for increased attention, divergent thinking, pattern recognition, memory, critical thinking and problem solving
- Improve executive function of the brain
- Are better prepared for the global community and job markets where a second language is an asset
- Develop an appreciation and positive attitude towards other cultures
What Does the Research Say?
- Second Language Learning: Everyone Can Benefit: http://www.cal.org/earlylang/benefits/marcos.html
- Why Bilinguals Are Smarter http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/18/opinion/sunday/the-benefits-of-bilingualism.html?_r=2&emc=eta1
- Being Bilingual Boosts Brain Power: http://www.best4future.com/blog/being-bilingual-boosts-brain-power
- Schools Try Elementary Approach to Teaching Foreign Languages: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/08/07/AR2006080701284.html
- Second Language Brain Benefits Start in Childhood: http://www.webmd.com/parenting/news/20041013/being-bilingual-boosts-brain-power
- The Bilingual Advantage: Second Language Increases Cognitive Ability: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=the-bilingual-advantage